Meet Linda Iheme a great Undergraduate Social Entrepreneur

i'm an African woman! Though am 24 years of age and currently a final year medical student (Dentistry) of University of Benin, I have been deeply involved with mentoring young entrepreneurs. I had always wanted to help people around me.So when I became a prefect in high school, it became a platform to help both my peers and my juniors.I had the vision to make impact,so when I qualified to represent Nigeria
in USA for The Study of United States Institute For Student Leaders which was on Social Entrepreneurship, I allowed that training to influence me and that Was how I started my NGO.My NGO named IIF YIGAD (International Initiative For Youths Inspiration, Growth &Development) started in 2011 and we promote the idea of social entrepreneurship among young people which simply means "How we can help the community while making money" instead of just 'how we can make money'. We do this by organising entrepreneurial seminars for secondary school students and one on one mentorship for university students who have start-ups.

So far, we have gotten funds from Ashoka Company in the USA and friends who believe in the vision of the NGO.We are not relying solely on sponsors because we are currently refining our projects to generate enough fund for its sustainability. Some of my guiding principles as a leader include that any project that am involved with must have community impact component but most importantly as a lady who is a leader, I have made this quote to guide all ladies------"You don't need to unhook your bra to get to the top" .I have volunteered for several organisations including ProHealth International, Raphahands Foundation, Divine Mission e.t.c For me, volunteering is a unique way to get experience without employment. I encourage young people to utilise this tool.As one the the youngest YOUWIN Mentors (Youth Entreprise With Innovation in Nigeria) and the founder of Catalyst Academy (A mentoring initiative in University of Benin) I have discovered that for young entrepreneurs, the need for mentorship can not be over emphasised. After my certification as a Business Success Coach by American Union of NLP, I decided to impact my community through several campus entrepreneurial campaign.

One of my latest projects, #LunchWithLindaIheme is a Facebook photo contest with the aim of promoting creativity among youth people. It has the awesome reward of free dental check-up, Lunch with Linda, one on one inspirational talk and a package of goodies for the winners.

The most challenging thing about all that am doing is that I have to combine  all these with the stress of medical school.Special thanks to God who has made it possible for me to be exceptional in my studies to the extent of making 5 Distinctions in medical school.I call on young people like me to think of ommunity impact as an integral part of any business they want to start.The urge to make money shouldn't overshadow our desire to help those around us.I truely believe that in the next 5 -10 years, a lot of successful businesses around will be owned by people below 35years  I.e the youth.



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