I was once rejected because I was academically poor, stone-hearted and I speak like a female- OLUYIMIDE IFEOLUWA (IFETIFE)

 Olumuyide Ifeoluwa Also known as IFETIFE is an undergraduate student of O.A.U who is so much passionate about development which has been making him try all his possible best to affect lives in all his endeavours…

CP: It feels good to have you here on collegeprofiles could you Please tell us about yourself?

IFE: My name is Oluyimide Ifeoluwa Samuel popularly known as IFETIFE (meaning Ife of Great Ife). I am an African youth who believes that the solutions to the problems in our Nation lie in our great minds and nothing else. I am currently in
my final year (a semester left) in my pursuit of a Bachelor degree to become a professional teacher in Obafemi Awolowo University. I am the president of my department (Education and Social Studies). I see myself as a very vast and dynamic person. I am a dynamic cyclist, award winning cartoonist and poet, drama minster, crafts man to mention but a few. The truth is that I am majorly identified as a writer, motivational speaker and change agent.

CP: How old are you?

IFE: I am 21years old!

CP: Wooooow...Any position you have held or awards so far?

IFE: Well, I thank God for that. For positions, I was the first Social prefect (boy) in my secondary school, the founder of the drama group of the school. I was one of the generational leaders in my fellowship in OAU. I was one time Assistant General Secretary and General secretary of my department. And for awards, I graduated with the best result in Art class in my Secondary school. Here on O.A.U campus, I represented my department as a freshman in the faculty debate competition in which we came second. I was awarded as the youngest journalist while in my part two by IFE Educator News Agency (my faculty board) and Cartoonist of the year by the Association of Campus Journalist (ACJ), Obafemi Awolowo University to mention but a few.

CP: Are you doing anything that makes you unique among other youths?

IFE: Yes. I was in 300 level when I wrote my first book- “Unleashing Academic Intelligence” I was actively a part of i360 (a programme that was dedicated towards painting some necessary places on O.A.U campus in 2012). Presently, with my crew, we are planning OCOAU (Operation Clean OAU); a platform to engage over a thousand students here on O.A.U campus to clean their environment in love. Also, I am working with ‘’Joy to Humanity Group’’- a group with the vision to inspire and motivate students in Nigeria, help people who are in need amongst other activities. I am also an active instrument in #WEAREMAD (we are making a difference initiatives) – a platform to keep Nigeria Clean.
I am not a student of literature in English and I have written far more than 100 poems. I wrote the wide read poem- Can I kiss you? that was published by Association of Nigerian Authors(ANA) OAU chapter. I have been a part of many poetry performances and I am presently working on my Anthology(collection of poems). I have been to several secondary schools in the country as a motivational speaker where I gave out some copies of my book. Likewise here on campus, I have been to many departments and association programmes to speak and I gave out my book in love. I am relentlessly working on my second book titled- Think Big, Dream Wide and start small, Volume one; a book where you would hear directly from successful people in Nigeria, Africa and the World on how they made it.

CP: what prompted writing your first book?

IFE: Unleashing Academic Intelligence is a book I wrote during the ASSU strike that lasted for six months in 2013 and it was launched on O.A.U campus in March, 29, 2014. It was a book that was published after I worked in pain and discomfort as a waiter in a restaurant, where I earned 8000 Naira per month during the ASUU six-month strike. I learnt how to take as low as 200 naira to the bank to be kept when cheerful givers (customers) gave me tips. I learnt to showcase humility because some of my customers were my juniors in secondary school who in no way knew why I was working there. In fact, I sold my laptop and overtime I raised over 100 thousand Naira,  needed for the salient project. I got to know the true meaning of “Where there is a will, there is always a way”. Fortunately for me, the book is not a year yet and I have already published the second edition. The book is for students (learners who are in school to be knowledgeable) and scholars (learners who are in school for the application of knowledge for impact). It is for everybody who wants to work during and after school and not just a job. To get a work Is to marry one’s passion to the peak. To get a job is to follow up your certificate to the letters.
 It is also for students who want to balance academics with campus activities. Graduating with great grades and unmatched success in campus activities and self-development.

CP: When did you start writing?

IFE: I started when I was in primary school.  A time when I was dejected and rejected because I was academically poor and stonehearted. Having a voice like that of a female did not also help matters. Yet, I was able to write up to three story books and all were lost on the platform of seized motivation from all aspect. Likewise in my secondary school days, I wrote a book on determination; I gave it to my English teacher for editing and he dropped it on his shelf in the staff room where it gathered dust. I later wrote a poem for a friend here on campus when I was in part one and she told me that I am a talented poet. So, since then, everybody around me could easily connect writing with me.

CP: What inspired your passion?

IFE: The love for my country!  The will to die empty having given all, and to leave the world a better place!  The strength to keep living after I had left the world.

CP: What are your philosophies about life?

IFE: Determination with God’s intervention is the father of distinction. Also, success in my dictionary is another name for consistency plus passion-oriented activities.

CP: If you are not a writer what else would you be?

IFE: A fashion designer. And an engineer, I was known for that when I was in junior secondary school.

CP: Who is/are your mentor(s)?

IFE: My mentor—- I have mentors everywhere, when I see something good about you, I would learn it in no time. Yet, I would give that position to my mum. She believes that I can be all that I want to be if I am determined. I remember that I put in for law in Great Ife and I was not given. She asked if I was satisfied with what I was admitted for and that was all.
CP: A word for the youths out there…

IFE: Youths, you are not a failure struggling with greatness; you are only working out the greatness in you! I love you all! See you at the top!

CP: How can people reach you?

IFE: Ifeoluwaoluyimide@yahoo.com
Tel; 2348179393615, 2348143251557(whatsapp)
BBM: 2979363B4


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