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Meet Akinlotan Busayo A.K.A “Bhussie Halula” an undergraduate and Nigeria’s youngest female Drummer.

Akinlotan Busayo Also known as Bhussie Halula is a famous Nigerian’s youngest female drummer,sounds amazing,right?,she is doing well even at her age she is pulling crowed already with her dynamic and wonderful strokes on “gangan” drum,lets meet her and know how she has been doing it…

collegeprofiles: Please can we meet you ma’am?

Bhussie: Hello, I’m Akinlotan Busayo aka “bhussie halulah“. A young female
talking drummer an accounting student of ekiti state university.

collegeprofiles: What level are you in the university?

Bhussie: 100 level

collegeprofiles: please tell us about your background?

Bhussie: I’m from a Christian home, I grew up in lagos, where I had my primary and secondary education. I was not born with a silver or gold spoon lol, but my parents are comfortable.

collegeprofiles: People call you “Bhussie Halula”,how did you come about that name?

Bhussie: Bhussie halulah means someone that plays and prosper, i got the name from the person that taught me. I wanted to be different and not use ‘ayan’ like most talking drummers so i decided to go with halulah

collegeprofiles: When did you start Drumming?

I started with drumset when I was a kid, then I was always going to the drumset with guys in the church gradually I started playing. But I started with talking drum last year during the ASUU strike, i learnt it from a friend to keep myself busy but it’s been graceful since then and have been enjoying it lol

collegeprofiles: What has being your parent’s reaction to your drumming career?

Bhussie: At first, my dad was not really in support of my drumming, he felt it would affect my education. He supports it now and my mum is cool with it.

collegeprofiles: As a female drummer which is uncommon in entertainment industry,what challenges have you been facing?

Bhussie: Hmm, none really. God has been my strong pillar *winks*

collegeprofiles: How have you been able to cope with schooling?

Bhussie: Time management and balancing. when it’s time for music, school doesn’t interfere and
when it’s school music doesn’t interfere too.

collegeprofiles: Tell us some Occassions and places you have been able to feature.

Bhussie: I Have played in churches and concerts and some gospel acts like tobi saxmistress and dabo Williams. Occasions like musical youth Fiesta 2013, GTB autism week, etc

collegeprofiles: You were recently signed by Zion Music Records,how did you feel?

Bhussie: Great, blessed, happy.. one of the best things that ever happened to me.

collegeprofiles: what can you say has helped you to the stage you are today?

Bhussie: God, hardwork, passion, grace and the zeal to get better.

collegeprofiles: where do you see yourself and Zion Music Records in the next 5 years?

Bhussie: Hmm greater places, isee myself as mentor to teens and youths, source of inspiration to people.

collegeprofiles: where do you see Zion Music Records by DABO WILLIAMS in the next 5 Years?

Bhussie: Home for teens and youths, stepingstone to greater heights. Creating a new face for gospel music industry.

collegeprofiles: What advice do you have your fellow talented undergraduates like you?

Bhussie: They should keep to whatever they are doing, pray and don’t give up.

collegeprofiles: What do you have to say about College Profiles?

Bhussie: College Profiles is cool and inspiring.God bless you.

Collegeprofiles: Thanks for your time miss Busayo.

Bhussie: You are welcome.


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