Whiles Africa is faced with lots of challenges, it is always inspiring to see young people who are preparing themselves to meet the challenge of making the continent a better place for all. Raymond Nuworkpor is one of such who has dedicated himself to lead and have gained lots of expereinces and successes in delivering his duties. I caught up with him in his Office as the General Secreatry of the School Representive Council of GIMPA. And below was his story he shared with me...
Prince: You are Raymond Nuworkpor? It's a pleasure meeting. Could you please tell me where and when were you born?
Raymond: Thank you very much Prince. I am grateful meeting you as well. In fact, I was born in dynamic town called Afife in the Volta region precisely in the Ketu North District on 26th March, 1992.
Prince: How did you start schooling? I mean your EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND.
Raymond:  That is a good question. I was anticipating it. Well, I started schooling at a very tender age due to the educational background of my family.  I had my primary foundation at the Ami Preparatory School in Akatsi. I later proceeded to “In My Father’s House Basic School Complex” to complete me Junior High Education and later to St. Paul’s Senior High School where I read Business. Currently I am studying BSC in Operations and Supply Chain Management at the Ghana Institute of Management and Public
Administration here in Accra.
Prince: What were some of your LEADERSHIP CREDENTIALS you held whiles growing up?
Raymond: Growing up I have also wanted to serve and inspire others to identify their unique greatness. My foundation in leadership began In My Father’s House Basic School Complex, where I consistently repeated class prefect from grade two to Junior high school two i.e. grade eight and later appointed the Acting School Head Prefect also in grade eight. In grade nine i.e. JHS three I stood up to contest for the same position and was duly elected the Head Prefect. As the Head Boy I led and represented my school in various competitions, including inter-school quiz competition where my school emerged 1st among 6 schools. At St. Paul’s Senior School, I pioneered and founded, SPACO News Agency, a campus advocacy club that seek to spearhead the right of students, bringing information to the doorsteps to school management and students. Let me hasten to add that the club continue to exist and function up to date. As an envious leader and sports enthusiast, I was appointed a Hall Sports Prefect. I was later elected the PRO for the NCCE club in my SHS. In view of my quest to be a great leader and team player, I was appointed the acting Academic and Attire Prefect. Moreover, I represented St. Pauls SHS in the Financial Literacy Week Quiz Competition 2012 held at Adisadel College. Recently at GIMPA, I was appointed the Assistant Secretary in level 100 and later elected General Secretary after I acted in the same position in level 200.
Prince: How did you enter into STUDENT POLITICS in the university?
Raymond: Thank you Prince. You are asking very important questions. I am sure you want me to tell my story.  Well, from my desire to serve humanity which I derive great satisfaction from. During the last two years past, I supported a candidate for the GIMPA SRC Presidential Election however unfortunately he lost.  Notwithstanding that, in view of my objectivity, principles and ideals I espoused during General Assembly deliberations, the then SRC administration elect, thought it wise to bring me on board to serve students as an SRC Deputy Secretary.  Unbelievably to the surprise of the then leadership, after two weeks in office, I became the acting Secretary because the General Secretary was inconsistent with the then President.
Prince: Well this sounds very impressive. Being the SRC General Secretary of this administration; what has being your ACCOMPLISHMENTS in that regard?
Raymond: Thank Prince. These are very interesting questions. I became the first General Secretary according to constitutional mandates to post SRC meeting minutes on the school’s approved Notice Boards. I have written letters and even currently still do to GIMPA management on behalf of students concerning their welfare which have being addressed abruptly due to my approaches. My minutes have been used as evidences to expose some financial irregularities in the SRC circles. A minute I wrote in the previous administration is currently being tendered as evidence to ascertain some amount of money that the SRC had issued out. I have further used various social media platforms to disseminate information to students through WhatsApp, Twitter and Facebook. I have also helped with other administrative works in ensuring a smooth tenure of office for colleagues and me.
Prince: What are some SACRIFICES you had to make as a leader?
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Raymond: Prince, Sacrifice is key in every leadership practised and mine is no exception but a benchmark. I have sacrificed a lot, even recently I was selected twice among the best students in GIMPA to study abroad. I declined the first time because I was vying for the vice presidential candidature with Hon. Yaw Sakyi as President. With the second decline however, I was selected but had to sacrifice the opportunity which came as a fully funded scholarship to study in France to serve my noble institution as the General Secretary of the SRC. These are what we call leadership sacrifices.
Prince: Hon. Raymond what’s being your GREATEST FAILURE?
Raymond: Well human imperfection paves way for failure and I am fallible to that. I don’t see things people see as failure as such; in fact these are just challenges to me. And some of those challenges have inspired and shaken me from my comfort zone to craft solutions in other to overcome them. For me failure is a guide to attaining greater heights. 
Prince: What other SOCIAL IMPACT PROJECTS are you engaged in Mr. NUWORKPOR?
Raymond: Prince good projects are what develop society and my widow’s contributions. I am the Founder and Executive Director of Generational Thinkers Ghana, a youth think tank and advocacy movement aimed at shaping the mind-set of youths in our country. Generational Thinkers Ghana strives to use the vehicle of networking, youth based research, capacity building, civic rights and responsibilities and volunteerism to achieve a generation of proactive, result oriented and responsible youth with a spirit of nationalism; for the national development. I also belong social and youth spirited groups such Global Volunteer Group, CIL-Gh Leadership etc.
Prince: Before I wrap up let fine out what your PLANS ARE AFTER SCHOOL like?
Raymond: Wow! Life after school is bright. Just immediately after my National Service, I will proceed to further my education to acquire my PHD. On completion, I look forward to working in a multinational company with the intentions of becoming a multinational entrepreneur. Since childhood it has been my actualisation plan to build the biggest orphanage in West Africa aside other philanthropic initiatives that I am planning to enrol. I have a great conviction that my quota in that respect will assist in alleviating poverty in society and to put smile on the faces of the less privileged.
Prince: I know you are a Pan-Africanist and what’s your PERSPECTIVE ON REBUILDING AFRICA?
Raymond: Indeed, I believe Africa can rise up to a very great height in the global arena since it is the only continent that her resources are still untapped. In reference to an article I wrote about inequality between developed and developing countries years past, I stated that, the only ways developing countries can bridge the gap of inequality is identifying their own problems and administer the best diagnosis by crafting their own methodology and policies rather than importing solutions and policies from developed countries that aren’t favourable to due development cause.
Prince: Do you have Role models and if yes who are your ROLE MODELS?
Raymond: Yes I do. In fact these are people I always look up to. They are the late Mahatma Gandhi for liberation and freedom of Humanity.  Another great model is Ghana’s late President Prof. Evans Atta Mills for injecting sanity into Ghana democratic dispensation and governance system. In addition are the likes of Dr. Pastor Mensa Otabil, for blending education and religion to the admiration of all and sundry and in the field of media liberation and press freedom Mr. Kwesi Pratt Junior is one of my nicest approbation and later day heroes like Mr. Kojo Oppong Nkrumah.  
Prince: What are some ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS you would love to share?
Raymond: There is a saying that ingratitude does not build society; thus my first and greatest appreciation always goes to God, then to the entire GIMPA community and to all arsenal supporters as well as friends and loved ones. 
Prince: What are your final Words for YOUNG ASPIRING LEADERS?
Raymond: That is a wonderful question to end this high though conversation. Well if you think you are too small to make an impact, try sleeping with the mosquito and that will challenge you to leave your comfort zone and to aspire for greatness, remembering that the Lord is our shepherd.
Prince: Thank you very much Hon. Comrade Raymond Edem Yao Nuworkpor for your time and wish you well in all your future endeavours.
Raymond: Prince thank you very much too for your time. I am highly indebted. God bless you for taking your time to know me well.



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