Knitting and Crocheting healed me of depression - Modhan Designs

Modupe is a young proactive Nigerian lady who have deep passion for knitting and crocheting, she is a fresh graduate of Adeyemi College of Education Ondo where she bagged her degree in biology. Lets hear from her how the journey has been since she started her business as an undergraduate.

CollegeProfilez : Can we meet you please? 

Modhan : My name is Olakanye Modupe but people call me Modhan. I am from a family of 4 children, i am the 3rd born of the family . I was born and brought up in Ondo town,Ondo state.

CollegeProfilez : Why do people call you Modhan? Is it a nick or what? 

Modhan : Modhan is  ​my brand name taken from my names Modupe/Hannah and of course brand name turned nickname lol.

CollegeProfilez : Can you tell us a bit about your educational background?

Modhan : I attended Precious children's primary school ondo and graduated to Independence Grammar School for my secondary in the same town. I attended  Adeyemi College of Education for my tertiary education where I studied Biology.

CollegeProfilez : Now Modhan, how did this whole thing of crocheting and knitting start?

Modhan : It all started when I was in jss2. There was this friend of mine that was crocheting cap then, so I begged her to teach me. Bought a yarn and she thought me some basics. Still not satisfied, went to a Muslim woman in my street to teach me more about knitting and crocheting, she said until I pay and wasn't taken serious fast forward to my 200L in tertiary institution, i went back to her and told her I was ready. She was surprised at how determined I was. Lol .

CollegeProfilez : So how were you able to perfect it?

Modhan : After 3months of training from the woman i started self training by watching lots of YouTube videos, reading patterns, creating my own patterns and designs etc.

CollegeProfilez : What inspired you to learn it then and what made you focus on it now?

Modhan : What inspired me to learn it then was that it was unique and I choose to focus on it now because it's still very unique, it teaches one to be patient because it's time-consuming and there are so many other advantages too.

CollegeProfilez : Are you now passionate about this or you are just doing it as a business?

Modhan : I am absolutely happy doing it because am so passionate about it. Not only that, Crochet was like an instrument God used to heal me of my depression some years ago. It was a Miracle. And of course serves as a business for me. So that's a plus. Haha!

CollegeProfilez : wow!!! did it affect your education at all while you were in school?

Modhan : Nope not at all. I go to school in the day and Crochet or knit at night.

CollegeProfilez : Interesting, but have you ever missed classes because of the business ?

Modhan : None whatsoever. I actually dislike  missing classes but well I do Crochet in-between classes when there are chances. Lol
CollegeProfilez : So how is the business now?
Modhan : I truly bless God, it's progressing.

CollegeProfilez : Any recognition so far since you started?
Modhan : Yes definitely! I was able to exhibit during Arts and Beauty Annual Exhibition held at Akure in 2016. I was also blessed to participate in AFSA 2016 (Adeyemi College of Education Fashion Show and Awards) where I showcased my Collections. Moreso, I was interviewed by AceTv in Adeyemi College of Education to talk about works and design. And yeah some other invitations to events. God also sent an angel I don't ​know in person to support me(name withheld) but I keep praying for that person for God to bless him abundantly beyond expectations.

CollegeProfilez : Amazing!!! so do you train people at all? If yes who are the type of people you train?

 Modhan : Yes I do. In fact Crochet and Knitting isn't restricted to any kind or category of people as long as you are ready to learn .

CollegeProfilez : Do you think crochet business has a voice and future in the fashion world?
Modhan : Of course it does. I'm inspired by Missoni, a top international knitting fashion brand that has been in Vogue for years now. More people are beginning to embrace Crochet here in Nigeria, those are people that want to unique appearances. In short, internationally Crochet and Knit wears are da bomb.
CollegeProfilez : Where do you see yourself in the next 5-10 years?

Modhan : Umm that's quite long o. Lol. But I see myself doing what I love doing most which is Crochet and Knitting but Internationally though. God help me. Amen!

CollegeProfilez : What advise do you have for young people coming in to business even as a student like you were, when you started?
Modhan : My advise is NEVER to give up on your dreams. Might take a while to get there but It's definitely worth it as long as you have passion and love for it.

CollegeProfilez : How can investors, potential customers, sponsors and partners reach you?

Modhan : You can reach me on

IG @modhan_ .

Fb: Modhupe Olakanye

Business line (Call/WhatsApp):  08063904279




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