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Meet the Ghanian young Change Agent EBENEZER ESSUMAN,the Founder of synergy for success Ghana…

EBENEZER ESSUMAN  is a young undergraduate Ghanian who is so passionate about development of his Nation,being the founder of SYBERGY FOR SUCCESS GHANA and also the National Coordinator THE AFRICAN NETWORK OF ENTREPRENEURS,he currently studies communication studies at ALISON, Let’s hear how he has been doing it…
Ebenezer Essuman PIX
COLLEGE PROFILES: Please can we meet you sir?

Ok, I am Ebenezer Essuman, a Ghanaian
based social entrepreneur/trainer

COLLEGE PROFILES: Can you please tell us more about your background

EBENEZER: Eben as people normally call me is baptized Christian…the 3rd born out 6 children, in
fact i am the first boy (lol)

COLLEGE PROFILES: Tell us about your education.

EBENEZER: I have Diploma in Business Management and Entrepreneurship, Diploma in Project Manage with Alison School, Ireland and i am doing my Bachelor of Communication Studies (but seeking transfer from my current school?

COLLEGE PROFILES: May we know why?

hum, no concrete reasons though, i will say is kind of personal

COLLEGE PROFILES: As a social entrepreneur and trainer can you tell us some of the trainings and Works you have done?

EBENEZER: i running social enterprise can be a bit tough but with passion,dedication and right selection of right team, it get better… as a social entrepreneur, i have initiated projects that is to solve problems hindering human development in various communities, you can talk of iCAN Exams Metnorship, Leadership and Entrepreneurship Conferences, Readwise project, Building Global Leaders training… etc they are many but to talk of few because it is kind of ending since i have made it my daily routine.

What has being your parent’s reaction to your works?

EBENEZER: i think it’s about building trust, i might be independent now but getting spiritual and moral backing from my parents has been one of my hallmark in my journey so far… i let them know who i want to be and yea, it works for me… they trust me to deliver and they are always proud when they hear of my exploits.

COLLEGE PROFILES: As a student and with the condition of education in Ghana,how have you been able to combine those with your studies?

EBENEZER: It is strategic, i identified my potentials before i started school, so whatever i do is a bit connected to my studies… however, it can be tough at sometimes especially when you have to choose between going to class and working… but with proper allocation and scheduling of time table… i am coping.eben2

COLLEGE PROFILES: What are the achievements and recognitions your works have gained so far?

EBENEZER: talk of achievements, so far we can talk of mentoring of 1500 students who were preparing for their final examination in the past 2 years on how to successfully write and pass their exams. we have trained over 2000 people young individuals and students on leadership and entrepreneurship and we are still training…I came as the 1st runner up to IUeMAG Icon of the month in October, 2013 and some mentions and recommendation on radio and tv programs on young people making social impact.

COLLEGE PROFILES: wooooow!……..beautiful,where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?

EBENEZER: Go global with my works and building a solid brand… keep improving and getting better.

COLLEGE PROFILES: What advice do you have for undergraduates like you?

EBENEZER: Pick the challenge,create opportunities for themselves and other, try to be self-reliant, follow their dreams and never give up on their dreams and stay humble… Remember, the best place to start working on their dreams is when you are in school.

COLLEGE PROFILES: That’s a good advice…….What do you have to say about collegeprofiles?

EBENEZER: Nice initiative to give people the platform to tell their story, keep it up

COLLEGE PROFILES: Thanks so much for your time MR EBENEZER

EBENEZER You are welcome.


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